在商界的波澜壮阔中,有这样一位英 雄人物——Dr. Ricky Beh。他不是 随波逐流的旁观者,而是改变游戏规 则的领航者。
DATO NICK LIM – 逆风翻盘,向阳而生
在商业世界中,逆境往往潜伏着最大的机 会。BITNEY的故事,就是在逆风中翻盘,向着光明 而生长的例证。从越南的熙熙攘攘街头起步,到跟 随集团步伐让BITNEY上市的远大目标,这是一段 关于坚持、创新和无限可能的旅程。
LE NGOC MI – Your success, My happiness
Every individual born into this world carries within them a dream, an aspiration. Dreams are the desires that come from the depths of the heart. Dreams are only realized by those with the determination to act without fear of difficulties. There is a woman who achieved her dream at a young age. That is Ms. Le Ngoc Mi – the Director of Win-Win 9319 Company. Her story is an inspiration for those starting their own ventures and motivation for those aiming to overcome personal limits to fulfill their dreams.
TAT VAN HAO – 把握機會改變 你的人生
在BITNEY的辉煌道路 上,濠哥的领导哲学可 以用一句话概括:“给 梦想一个机会”。这不仅 仅是一种口号,而是濠 哥和他的团队走向成功 的核心驱动力。